Monday, April 22, 2024

"Passover & Palm Sunday" - Passover History from the Hebrew Bible, Christianity, & the Ancient Near East

Passover Preparations in the Sister Haggadah. British Library (Public Domain)

Unleavened bread, matzo or matzah, is a type of bread that is made without yeast or any other leavening agent. It is typically made from flour & water & is often eaten during the Jewish holiday of Passover, where it symbolizes the haste with which the Israelites left Egypt & the lack of time to let their bread rise. The Bible does not specify which grains were used for this bread, but it is likely that the bread mentioned in the Bible was made from wheat, barley, or spelt, which were common grains in the ancient Near East.

Bitter herbs are a variety of herbs that are eaten during the Passover Seder to symbolize the bitterness of slavery in Egypt. The bitter herbs are typically dipped in salt water before eating to represent the tears shed during the Israelites' slavery in Egypt.

The Bible does not specify which grains were used for this unleavened bread, but it is likely that the bread mentioned in the Bible was made from wheat, barley, or spelt, which were common grains in the ancient Near East.

Bitter herbs are oftren a combination of herbs that are eaten during the Passover Seder to symbolize the bitterness of slavery in Egypt. The bitter herbs are often dipped in salt water before eating to represent the tears shed during the Israelites' slavery in Egypt.

The Mishnah specifies 5 types of bitter herbs eaten on the night of Passover: ḥazzeret (lettuce), ʿuleshīn (endive/chicory), temakha, ḥarḥavina (possibly melilot, or Eryngium creticum), & maror (likely Sonchus oleraceus, sowthistle). 


Hazzeret isthought to be a domestic lettuce. The word is cognate to other Near-Eastern terms for lettuce: the Talmud identifies hazzeret as hassa, similar to the Akkadian hassu & the Arabic hash.

The Talmud remarks that Romaine lettuce is not initially bitter, but becomes so later on, which is symbolic of the experience of the Jews in Egypt. The "later" bitterness of lettuce refers to fact that lettuce plants become bitter after they "bolt" (flower), a process which occurs naturally when days lengthen or temperatures rise.

Wild or prickly lettuce (Lactuca serriola) is listed in Tosefta Pisha as suitable for maror.  However, its absence from the approved list in the Mishnah & Talmud indicate that it is not suitable.


The second species listed in the Mishnah is `ulshin, which is a plural to refer to both wild & cultivated types of plants in the genus Cichorium. The term is cognate to other near-eastern terms for endives.


The Talmud Yershalmi identified Hebrew tamcha with Greek γιγγίδιον gingídion, which has been positively identified via the illustration in the Vienna Dioscurides as the wild carrot Daucus gingidium.

Horseradish likely began to be used later, because leafy vegetables like lettuce did not grow in the northern climates Ashkenazi Jews had migrated to, & because some sources allow the use of any bitter substance. 

Many Jews use horseradish condiment (a mixture of cooked horseradish, beetroot & sugar), though the Shulchan Aruch requires that maror be used as is, that is raw, & not cooked or mixed with salt, vinegar, sugar, lemon, or beets.


The identity of harhavina is somewhat disputed. It may be melilot or Eryngium creticum.


The identity of this species was preserved among the Jews of Yemen as the plant Sonchus oleraceus, a relative of dandelion native to Israel. The word "maror" is an autohyponym, referring both to this species specifically, & to any species suitable for use at the Seder.

Passover in the Hebrew Bible by William Brown 

Passover is a Jewish festival celebrated since at least the 5C BCE, typically associated with the tradition of Moses leading the Israelites out of Egypt.  The festival was originally celebrated on the 14th of Nissan. Directly after Passover is the Festival of Unleavened Bread, which most traditions describe as originating when the Israelites left Egypt, & they did not have sufficient time to add yeast to the bread to allow it to rise. 

Though the Hebrew Bible describes the origins of Passover, these texts were likely composed after the 6C BCE & include evidence for editorial additions, expansions of older texts. Three characteristics emerge concerning the nature of Passover as represented in the Hebrew Bible:

Passover is associated with Yahweh, though not necessarily Yahweh's leading the Israelites out of Egypt or passing over the doorposts of their households. In analyzing & proposing a history for the textual growth of Exodus 12:1-28, Professors Simeon Chavel & Mira Balberg suggest that the oldest layer of text in Exodus 12 does not feature "Israel's liberation through Yahweh's smiting of Egypt & does not explicitly advance it" (Chavel 2018, 299), essentially characterizing it as an ambiguous piece of folklore about a festival.

Subsequent editors provided further ritual parameters & explanation of Yahweh's actions: all Israelite families must participate in consuming a one-year-old male lamb; the lamb should be flame-broiled, entirely consumed by the morning after Passover, & eaten quickly; & Yahweh will skip over or shield the Israelite households who put the lamb's blood on the doorpost from a destructive force killing their firstborn. Exodus 12:27, a response to the question concerning the purpose of celebrating Passover in future generations, best demonstrates the association between Passover & the killing of every firstborn in Egypt: “It is a Passover sacrifice for Yahweh, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt when smiting Egypt; but he rescued our homes.” Passover was intended to be a performance & remembrance of Yahweh's act of protecting the firstborns of Israel while in Egypt, itself a sign of Yahweh's devotion to the Israelites.

Though Passover is often perceived as a unified, traditional ritual, Biblical passages describe  divergent rituals & reflect changes over time in the historical context.

The rituals concerning the actions on Passover develop throughout the Hebrew Bible such as this example, in Exodus 12:9.  Moses commands the Israelites to roast with fire the Passover lamb sacrifice, explicitly indicating they should not boil it with water. Yet, Deuteronomy 6:7 includes the command “you shall boil” the Passover sacrifice. Then, the author of Chronicles creatively combined the required ritual actions: “So, they boiled the Passover-lamb with fire according to the ordinance” (35:13).  Subsequent generations adjusted Passover ritual traditions.

Third, texts in the Hebrew Bible adjust the date of Passover for distinct reasons. Numbers 9:1-14, for example, offers provisions for Israelites who may have missed their opportunity to participate in Passover due to ritual uncleanliness (9:7, 10). Alternatively, Yahweh communicates through Moses that a 2nd Passover celebration is possible. Instead of celebrating on the 14th day of the 1st month, they should celebrate on the 14th day of the 2nd month. There remains an assumption, though, that all Israelites should celebrate Passover: "But the man who is pure, not on a journey, & neglects to perform the Passover, that person should be cut off from his people because he did not bring the offering of Yahweh at its appointed time." (Numbers 9:13).

The book of 2 Chronicles 30 describes Hezekiah's attempt to cause all of Judah & Israel to perform Passover. The text describes that they celebrated it on the 14th of the second month due to the lack of priests available & people present (2 Chronicles 30:2-3). Numbers 9 understands Passover to be an obligation incumbent on the Israelites; when 2 Chronicles 30 was composed, Passover was not perceived to be an obligation upon Israel & Judah.

Exodus 12 presents Passover as a celebration restricted to the households of Egypt (Exodus 12:1-13). Deuteronomy 16 indicates that Passover should be celebrated not at the home: “and you shall sacrifice a Passover-offering to Yahweh, either a sheep or a cattle, at the place which Yahweh will select as a dwelling for his name” (Deuteronomy 16:2), specifically clarifying in Deuteronomy 16:5 that the sacrifice should not be offered locally. When Exodus 12 was composed, Passover was practiced in local towns & households; by contrast, when Deuteronomy 16 was composed, Passover was more regulated, imagined to be practiced in a central temple or sanctuary.

Biblical passages describe divergent rituals, reflect the growth of the Passover tradition, & illuminate changes in the historical context.

Practicing Passover across the Centuries

Early Judaism (c. 5C BCE - 1st C CE)  In a group of texts called the Elephantine Papyri, written by members of the 5C BCE Jewish colony of Elephantine, Egypt, Passover is mentioned multiple times. indicating that Jews at Elephantine practiced some form of Passover. Unlike the biblical texts, the Elephantine Papyri can be more precisely dated affirming that Passover was a social practice among some Jews in the 5C BCE.

Composed in the 2C BCE, the Book of Jubilees is a rewritten version of Genesis & Exodus. One goal of Jubilees is to clarify the Jewish calendar for celebrating festivals. The book of Genesis narrates a story about how Yahweh tested Abraham by commanding him to kill his only son, providing a ram at the last minute. Jubilees 19:18, though, additionally describes how Abraham celebrated a festival for Yahweh after Yahweh provided a ram in lieu of having to sacrifice Isaac, his firstborn. The festival is the Festival of Unleavened Bread, which is typically associated with Passover, occurring 7 days following Passover. Jubilees establishes that the Festival of Unleavened Bread, thar Passover, was established prior to the Israelite exodus out of Egypt.

Passover in Early Christianity (c. 1C CE to 3C CE)

Passover plays a central role in the growth of Christianity as a distinct religious tradition from Judaism. By the 1C CE, Josephus & the Gospels indicate that Passover drew large crowds of Jews to Jerusalem, the central cult site for the celebration of Passover. Jesus he was a practicing Jew who lived in the 1C CE.

Jesus & The Last Supper

John 19:31 portrays Jesus as a Passover lamb, whose sacrifice would ultimately cause God to redeem humanity. Paul explicitly describes Jesus as a Passover lamb as he extends the imagery of unleavened bread metaphorically into the realm of morality (1 Corinthians 5:6-8). Similar depictions of Jesus appear in 1 Peter 1:19 & Revelation 5:6. The association of Jesus' death with the Passover sacrifice “points to an understanding of the sacrifices of the Passover lamb as the remembrance of God's past act of redemption that foreshadowed the sacrifice of the Lamb of God as God's ultimate act of redemption” (Mangum 2016). Early Christians, who perceived themselves as practicing Jews, reframed the traditional narrative of Passover to highlight Jesus as a redemptive figure for all of humanity.

Rabbinic Judaism (c 1C CE to 7C CE)

Rabbinic Judaism developed, in response to the destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem in 70 CE. Without the temple, Jews could no longer offer sacrifices. It is from this context which Rabbinic Judaism emerged, providing ways to worship God & perform the various ritual festivals even though the Jewish temple was no longer standing. Rabbinic Judaism sought to establish “that the Passover celebration can & should continue even without the paschal lamb,” that is the Passover lamb (Bokser 1984, 48). Although ancient Israelite & Judean religion, along with Early Judaism, perceived the temple to be central to their worship, the destruction of the Jewish temple in 70 CE forced the Rabbis to reconsider how they would perform their ancient rituals. 

The Tosefta, a Rabbinic Jewish text of codified traditions & laws (3C CE), discusses the role of unleavened bread & bitter herbs, two foods mentioned in Exodus 12:8: “They shall eat the flesh that same night; they shall eat it roasted over the fire, with unleavened bread & with bitter herbs” (Exodus 12:8; 1985 JPS Translation). Because this passage indicates that 3 things are eaten together, namely the Passover lamb, bitter herbs, & unleavened bread, the Rabbis equated bitter herbs & unleavened bread with the Passover sacrifice. 

Passover in the Ancient Near East

Passover as a festival is reflective of its broader ancient Near Eastern context in the use of blood at the entrance of the house combined with regard to the firstborn. One of the fundamental aspects of Passover is putting the blood of the Passover lamb upon the gateposts of the household, that is the front entrance: They shall take from the blood of the Passover lamb & put it upon the two doorposts & upon the upper-cross piece of the door upon the house within which they will eat it among them. (Exodus 12:7)

Applying the blood onto the door of the household warded off negative influences. In the context of Exodus 12, the “negative influence” is reference yo the destructive force which kills every firstborn.

Likewise, the Arslan Tash amulet from the 7C BCE discovered in Syria, includes a reference to “doorposts:”  “And let him not come down to the door-posts.” Here, the “doorposts” are the boundary into the home, the location where the amulet was possibly placed for preventing negative influences on the household. 

Additionally, a ritual called zukru, from a text discovered in Emar, Syria, shows remarkable similarities to Passover. First, both festivals began on the 14th day of the 1st month, lasting 7 days. Second, the ritual for Passover & zukru both involve the smearing of blood on posts – the posts in Passover are to the house, the posts in zukru are at the city gates. Third, zukru is primarily a festival of “(the offering of) the (firstborn) male animals” to Dagan, a Syrian deity (Cohen 2015, 336). Likewise, Exodus 34:19 associates Passover with the offering of firstborn animals. The speaker, Yahweh, says: “All first-born of a womb are mine, as well as your male livestock, the first born of cattle & sheep.” These passages demonstrate that Passover rituals are similar to broader ancient Near Eastern traditions.

19C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Gustave Jean Jacquet (French artist, 1846-1909) Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908)

"Passover" - Judaism Religious Rituals depicted in 1707

Hanukkah, Festival of Lights 

These woodcuts illustrate Judaism holiday & ritual observances in the 1707 Minhagim (Customs), published by Solomon Proops, Amsterdam, with descriptions & instructions in Yiddish, offer a glimpse of Judaism life at the end of the 17C & the beginning of the 18C in central Europe.

The woodcuts in the book cover Sabbath & holiday observance, & home & synagogue rituals. Among them area mother blessing the Sabbath lights of a Sabbath oil lamp;a father chanting the Havdalah (service of "separation" at the conclusion of the Sabbath), while he holds a cup of wine by the light of a candle held by a child whose sibling holds a spice box; 4 men blessing the new moon;a rabbi preaching on the Great Sabbath (preceding Passover); grinding flour for & baking matzoh; searching for chametz (leaven); & scouring pots & pans. Also shown are a man having his hair cut on Lag B'Omer--the 33rd day of the 50 between Passover & Shavuot, when restrictions obtaining during that period of mourning are relaxed; Moses on Sinai receiving the Ten Commandments; worshipers seated on the floor on Tisha B'Av, mourning the destruction of the Temple; the sounding of the shofar on Rosh Hashanah, the New Year; a man building his tabernacle for the Feast of Tabernacles; the gathering of palms, willows, & myrtle to join the citron in its celebration; children receiving sweets to celebrate the Joy of the Law, Simhat Torah; the kindling of a Hanukkah lamp; & Purim jesters sounding their musical instruments.

The life cycle is also marked: bride & groom under the huppah (canopy); an infant boy entering the Covenant of Abraham; & finally, a body borne in a coffin to its eternal resting place. These are some of the 1707 woodcuts:

Blessing the Sabbath Candles

The Havdalah Service

Sounding the Shofar on Rosh Hashana

The Lulav: Palm Branch, Myrtle, and Willow

The Merry Festival of Purim

Removing the Leaven from the Home

Under the Huppah, the Wedding Service

Brit Milah, the Circumcision

Carrying the Deceased to the Cemetery

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. Follow-up of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

17C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Nicolas de Largillierre (French, 1656 - 1746) - Porträt der Marquise de Gueydan  as The Goddess Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10

Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908) 

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring & Summer are the perfect time to celebrate the rebirth of Earth's Beauty & Bounty.  Flowers gave beauty & inspiration to mankind's basic struggle to live & to populate & to protect his home-base, the Earth.  Holding on to The Sweet Divine - The Lord God took man & put him in the Garden of Eden to work it & to keep it...Genesis 2:15.

The expression "stop to smell the flowers" came into popular modern use in the 1960s & is a rephrasing of a sentiment found in a 1956 autobiography written by the golfer Walter Hagen: “Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”

18C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Nicolas de Largillierre (French, 1656 - 1746) - Portrait Of Françoise D'Escravayat, Marquise De La Barrière as The Goddess Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908)

Friday, April 19, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

 “The beautiful Spring came, & when nature resumes her loveliness, the human soul is apt to revive also.” – Harriet Ann Jacobs

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

18C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Nicolas de Largillierre (French, 1656 - 1746) - Marie Therese Bloneldharau  as The Goddess Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908) 

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

17C Woman with a Basket of Spring Flowers

William Marshall (British printmaker, 1617-1649) Woman with a Spring Flower Basket

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

“The first real day of Spring is like the first time a boy holds your hand. A flood of skin-tingling warmth consumes you, & everything shines with a fresh, colorful glow, making you forget that anything as cold & harsh as winter ever existed.” – Richelle E. Goodrich

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

18C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Jean-Marc Nattier (1685-1766) - Louise Anne de Bourbon Comtesse de Charolais 1731as The Goddess Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908) 

Monday, April 15, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

Spring 17C by Grégoire Huret (French, 1606-1670)

The Earth by Grégoire Huret (French, 1606-1670) 
Spring & Summer are the perfect time to celebrate the rebirth of Earth's Beauty & Bounty.  Flowers gave beauty & inspiration to mankind's basic struggle to live & to populate & to protect his home-base, The Earth.  Holding on to The Sweet Divine - The Lord God took man & put him in the Garden of Eden to work it & to keep it...Genesis 2:15.

18C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Nicolas de Largillierre (French, 1656 - 1746) - Marie Louise Élisabeth d'Orléans as The Goddess Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908)

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

“With the coming of Spring, I am calm again.” – Gustav Mahler

Spring & Summer are the perfect time to celebrate the rebirth of Earth's Beauty & Bounty.  Flowers gave beauty & inspiration to mankind's basic struggle to live & to populate & to protect his home-base, The Earth.  Holding on to The Sweet Divine - The Lord God took man & put him in the Garden of Eden to work it & to keep it...Genesis 2:15.

The expression came into popular modern use in the 1960s & is a rephrasing of a sentiment found in an autobiography written by the golfer Walter Hagen: “Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”

18C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Jean-Marc Nattier (1685-1766) - Henriette of France as The Goddess Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908)

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

“Come with me into the woods. Where Spring is advancing, as it does, no matter what, not being singular or particular, but one of the forever gifts...” – Mary Oliver

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

18C Print of Spring


1766 Spring Published by Carington Bowles After Robert Pyle done by James Watson London
Here Spring is a stylish young woman standing on garden terrace, adding a rose to flowers in her apron. Her elbow rests on the garden plinth of an urn covered in a trailing plant. A basket of flowers sits on the plinth.

17C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

1685-90 Lady as The Goddess Flora, by Jan van Haesbergen

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908) 

Friday, April 12, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

“Can words describe the fragrance of the very breath of Spring?” – Neltje Blanchan

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

Spring 1601-1650 Garden in Background


Anonymous Artist - Spring with Flowers & a Garden in the Background. Madrid, Museo del Prado. 1601-1650  

Spring & "springtime" refer to the ecological, environmental season, and also to ideas of rebirth, rejuvenation, renewal, resurrection & regrowth.

17C Allegory of Spring at a Market Scene

Jean-Baptiste de Saive II (Flemish artist, 1597-1642) An Allegory of Spring at a Market Scene with a Boy offering Strawberries to Girl surrounded by Flowers

Thursday, April 11, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

“Despite the forecast, live like it’s Spring.” – Lilly Pulitzer 

Spring & Summer are the perfect time to celebrate the rebirth of Earth's Beauty & Bounty.  Flowers gave beauty & inspiration to mankind's basic struggle to live & to populate & to protect his home-base, The Earth.  Holding on to The Sweet Divine - The Lord God took man & put him in the Garden of Eden to work it & to keep it...Genesis 2:15.

The expression came into popular modern use in the 1960s & is a rephrasing of a sentiment found in an autobiography written by the golfer Walter Hagen: “Don’t hurry. Don’t worry. And be sure to smell the flowers along the way.”

18C Spring Allegory from the Italian School

18C Spring Allegory from the Italian School

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

“I love Spring anywhere, but if I could choose, I would always greet it in a garden.” – Ruth Stout

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

Flora holding a wreath of flowers by Jean Leblond 1605-1666

Flora holding a wreath of flowers by Jean Leblond 1605-1666 

17C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

18C Rosalba Carriera (Italian artist, 1675-1757) The Goddess Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908)

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

Le Printemps by Grégoire Huret (French, 1606-1670)


Le Printemps by Grégoire Huret (French, 1606-1670) published by Pierre Mariette

17C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Pierre Gobert (1662-1744)  - Retrato de Noiva as The Goddess Flora

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908)

Monday, April 8, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

Woman as Spring by Martin Droeshout 1601-1639


Martin Droeshout (British printmaker, 1601-c 1639) Spring

17C Mythical Goddess Flora - Symbol of Spring

Juan van der Hamen y (Gómez de) León (1596-1631) - Offering for Flora, 1627

Flora in Roman mythology, was goddess of spring-time & flowers, later identified with the Greek Chloris. Her festival at Rome, the Floralia, instituted 238 B.C. by order of the Sibylline books & at first held irregularly, became annual after 173. It lasted 6 days (April 28-May 3), the 1st day being the anniversary of the foundation of her temple. 

The Floralia was a public festival to honor the goodwill of the goddess Flora. Created in the 6th century BC by the Romans, it took place in spring  & lasted 6 days, & consisted of games & theatrical performances. Chariot races & circus games took place & everywhere were the symbols of Flora. It was traditional to have goats & hares scampering about the landscape where flowers of lupines, beans, & vetch were scattered about. The celebrating Romans held bouquets of flowers & wore wreaths of flowers around their necks or in their hair. In art Flora was represented as a beautiful maiden, bedecked with flowers. The term “flora” became used in botany collectively for the plant-growth of an area.

See Primary Sources:
Ovid, Fasti V. 193-212
Macrobius, Saturnalia I.10.11-14
Lactantius, Divinae institutions I.20.6-10
Tacitus, Annals, ii. 49
Ovid, Fasti, Book 4; T.P. Wiseman, The Myths of Rome (University of Exeter Press, 2004).
Robert Turcan, The Gods of Ancient Rome (Routledge, 2001; originally published in French 1998)
H.H. Scullard, Festivals and Ceremonies of the Roman Republic (Cornell University Press, 1981)
William Warde Fowler, The Roman Festivals of the Period of the Republic (London, 1908)

Sunday, April 7, 2024

Earth's Creatures Stop to Smell the Flowers

Spring often means it is time for you & your pet to explore the great outdoors. But before you & your furry best friend stop & smell the spring flowers, make sure they are not toxic. If you suspect your pet has ingested or been in contact with the plants below, call Pet Poison Helpline ASAP & then contact your veterinary team to keep them updated on the situation.

See Toxic & Non-Toxic Plant List - Dogs

Toxic and Non-Toxic Plant List - Cats

These services provide immediate expert advice, and include consultation with your veterinarian if needed. There is a fee, so have a credit card handy. Followup of the case is also included, if needed.

Animal Poison Control Center (ASPCA): 888-426-4435

Pet Poison Helpline: 855-764-7661

These are the top 3 flowers to avoid:


Important note: Extremely dangerous for cats.The entire lily family should be avoided by your pet. They contain toxic alkaloids that are extremely dangerous if ingested, especially for cats. True lilies & daylilies are particularly harmful—just a small amount of ingested pollen can cause deadly toxicity in cats. Dogs are slightly more resistant to the toxicity of lilies, but they can become itchy if exposed to these flowers or have some GI upset if they ingest them.


‍Avoid: Begonia grandis, wax begonias, double begonias, fimbriata begonias. These flowers thrive in the springtime, & their stems—particularly the part rooted underground—can cause acute toxicity if ingested by dogs & cats. Similar to our version of hot sauce, if eaten, begonias can result in an extreme burning in your pet’s mouth, swollen tongue or lips, & even difficulty swallowing. If you suspect your pet has swallowed a begonia stem or bulb, take them to an emergency veterinary office for immediate treatment.


‍Important note: Just a few ounces of azalea flowers are enough to cause severe toxicity in a large-sized dog. These shrub plants come in a variety of sizes & colors & give off a lovely smell. But, when it comes to azaleas, their beauty should be appreciated from afar as they are toxic to all pets, including horses. These flowers can disrupt the cells in an animal's body, which can cause symptoms from blindness & vomiting, to abnormal heart rate or even death. Make sure to avoid: Formosa azaleas, spider azaleas, Gumpbo pink azaleas, rhododendrons.

Spring in 19C Europe

Arthur John Elsley (British painter) 1860 - 1952 The Joy of Spring

19C Spring by Franz Xavier Winterhalter (German, 1805-c 1873)

Franz Xavier Winterhalter (German, 1805-c 1873) The Spring

Even though it is chilly today & the weather is mercurial, I can definitely feel spring in the air. Just outside my window this morning, some of the birds are ignoring the seed we put out for them & are heading up to the delicate tips of branches to eat the tender new buds. The sky is bright & clear.